Private Practice and Social Media Marketing — A Therapist’s Dilemma

A few years ago, I opened my psychotherapy private practice, and truth be told, I started it based off of a local Facebook group. I had met who is now a current colleague in a networking meeting, and together, we decided to start a private practice. In what felt like just overnight, I was quitting my agency job and seeing clients on my own. I knew so little about the business side of private practice — getting clients, marketing, networking, the need for social media for my business, etc. Needless to say, I learned a lot those first few years and grew what is now a thriving private practice.

Fast forward to 2020 — the world shutdown. Again, overnight, therapists everywhere switched their entire practices to telehealth services. I am truly blessed to be able to do that.

However, slowly creeping on me was the realization that I was much more connected to electronics than ever before; as a therapist, that is not part of my normal self-care. But what is normal anymore anyways? That is a different topic. I debated going off social media completely throughout the summer, but I felt much more pressure to continue to grow my business, and with not being able to network in person, Facebook and Instagram felt like the only way to keep my business name out there. I have heard from many therapists that share my sentiments. READ MORE


Why it’s important to talk about Bravery -A ‘fearless’ therapist